Zemřel Luboš Holub

Nejbližší akce

XXVII. sraz historických skútrů Luhačovice 2025
12.06.2025 - 15.06.2025

Fórum novinky

Pravidelná setkání

Členové klubu z Brna a okolí se setkávají každý první čtvrtek v měsíci.
Další setkání bude 6.2.2025 17:00
, restaurace Union, Víděnská 77, Brno.

Dear friends and fans of Cezeta!


Just a quick update from Cezeta and a hi from me. I joined Neil recently to hopefully make Cezeta a great story together with you, our friends and supporters.
Cezeta is moving fast towards becoming the top retro electric scooter. Its big bodied fifties design is ideal to put all the electric stuff inside, so we get a range of 100km and a speed of 100km/h, fantastic specs for city riding. The scooter is really a pleasure to ride, smooth, low CG, very quiet (we are adding bluetooth speakers because you literally can listen to music while riding it, while making it safer as a "here I come" in the city traffic. 
We are exhibiting next week (1st to 4th) in Autoshow Prague, Krizik Pavilion C, where there will be a 300m test ride track especially for us and a 2km track shared with other exhibitors. If you are in Prague we will be happy to see you there!
We are planning to make Cezeta a sensation. Saving 90% of your fuel bill makes an economic case for it, and the design is impossible to ignore. You either love it or hate it! We love it!
I would like to ask you for two things: 
First, like and share on our Facebook .http://www.facebook.com/cezetamotors.sro/
Second, consider ordering one now! http://www.cezeta.com/eng/type506/index.php 
The mess with VW emissions is helping people to consider electromobility and so why not support us by buying and riding the coolest scooter ever and spread the word with friends and family and asking them to do the same. Electric is coming!  
We are sure it is a terrific investment to own this real classic with a very low series number!
Keep in touch, 

Alex Monestier 

Head of Sales Marketing and Operations


#5 marcel 2015-10-16 20:19
Moc pěkná akce, moc pěkné svezení, dobrá parta, dobrá nálada, spousta nových, zajímavých a překvapivých informací .......akce dostane v Občasníku plný počet hvězdiček :lol:
#4 neilsmith 2015-10-05 16:25
V obrazu neni 502, to je prototyp nove 506.
Uzivatel 505, omlouvam se, nechteli bychom vam urazit. To je jenom informace pro nekoho.. to je zajimave ze Cezeta zacina zase?
#3 Miro 2015-10-01 07:44
Možno je to reklama. Ale čitateľov tohoto webu, predpokladám, neosloví :P
Keď už to poslali na admina, tak som to sem hodil, tak ako to prišlo, aby ste boli informovaní, čo sa deje.
#2 elstrem 2015-09-30 19:06
Ale ta 502 na fotce je nadherna.
#1 505 2015-09-30 14:17
Nerozumím řeči tvého kmene, pryč s tím je to jen reklama!

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Předseda Skútr klubu Čezeta:

Jitka Papežová

Administrátor stránek:

Miroslav Gerža


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